Learn How To Write A Book In Just 30 Minutes Per Day (Even If You Don’t Have An Idea Yet!)

FREE bestselling book reveals exactly how to write, publish,
and market your first book.

The EXACT blueprint to go from blank page to published author – even if…

You’re busy

You’re bad at writing

You don’t know where to start


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The EXACT blueprint to go from blank page to published author in just 90 days – even if…

You’re busy

You’re bad at writing

You don’t know where to start


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Most people spend years or entire lifetimes wanting to write a book but never do…

I’m Chandler Bolt, 6-time bestselling author and entrepreneur.

You don’t need to be the next Hemingway to become a published author. You don’t need a brilliant idea or a ton of time either.

Today, I want to give you the exact, step-by-step blueprint thousands of ordinary people have used write, publish, and market their books… even turn them into monthly royalties and businesses.

Here’s just some of what you will learn…

The EXACT blueprint to go from blank page to bestselling author in just 90 days — even if you’re busy, bad at writing, or don’t know where to start


How to build momentum and FINALLY check “write a book” off your bucket list


How I turned my book into a 7-figure business featured in Business Insider


The Bestselling Book Launch Blueprint (including Amazon’s secret “Rule of 3”)


Case studies of bestselling authors who’ve used this system to write and publish their own books.


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Who is Chandler Bolt

In just 2 years, Chandler went from college dropout to 6-time bestselling author — and 7-figure business owner.

He’s helped hundreds of students start (and finish) their books, and he’s coached everyone from 6-figure entrepreneurs and directors of major corporations, to stay-at-home parents and students, and a NY Times Bestselling Author.

His courses combine comprehensive video training with written materials, live events, and hands-on coaching.

What exactly is the “Book Launch” free book?

This bestselling book is his gift to ambitious people who want to become published authors — without spending years “figuring it out” on their own.

Each chapter covers a different step in the process from “no idea” to bestseller, including:

  • Common myths and misconceptions about becoming an author — and what it really takes
  • The 3-Step Speed Writing System
  • Hassle-free publishing techniques and strategies
  • The Bestselling Book Launch Blueprint
  • Case studies from bestselling authors
  • How to turn your book into a business
How do I know if it’s right for me?

If you’ve ever had one of these thoughts, then you’re ready for this free book:

  • “Writing a book has been on my bucket list for years.”
  • “I feel like there’s a book inside me — I just don’t know how to get it on paper.”
  • “I want to build my business and get more clients — even get them to come to me.”
  • “I’m a coach, speaker, or consultant… and I want to earn more respect and raise my rates.”
  • “I have no idea where to start.”
  • “I’d like extra income from book royalties, but I don’t even have a book idea yet.”
Is it really free?

Yes, this PDF of the bestselling book, “Book Launch,” is completely free — Chandler’s gift to help you get the freedom and success you deserve.


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Who is Chandler Bolt

In just 2 years, Chandler went from college dropout to 6-time bestselling author — and 7-figure business owner.

He’s helped hundreds of students start (and finish) their books, and he’s coached everyone from 6-figure entrepreneurs and directors of major corporations, to stay-at-home parents and students, and a NY Times Bestselling Author.

His courses combine comprehensive video training with written materials, live events, and hands-on coaching.

What exactly is the “Book Launch” free book?

This free PDF of his bestselling book is his gift to ambitious people who want to become published authors — without spending years “figuring it out” on their own.

Each chapter covers a different step in the process from “no idea” to bestseller, including:

  • Common myths and misconceptions about becoming an author — and what it really takes
  • The 3-Step Speed Writing System
  • Hassle-free publishing techniques and strategies
  • The Bestselling Book Launch Blueprint
  • Case studies from bestselling authors
  • How to turn your book into a business
How do I know if it’s right for me?

If you’ve ever had one of these thoughts, then you’re ready for this free book:

  • “Writing a book has been on my bucket list for years.”
  • “I feel like there’s a book inside me — I just don’t know how to get it on paper.”
  • “I want to build my business and get more clients — even get them to come to me.”
  • “I’m a coach, speaker, or consultant… and I want to earn more respect and raise my rates.”
  • “I have no idea where to start.”
  • “I’d like extra income from book royalties, but I don’t even have a book idea yet.”
Is it really free?

Yes, this PDF of the bestselling book, “Book Launch,” is completely free — Chandler’s gift to help you get the freedom and success you deserve.

Join these and other successful, published authors who took action and changed their lives.

Chelsea Miller – Author of “Imperfectly “Perfect”

Chelsea was a 20-year-old college student when she decided she wanted to write her first book.  11 weeks later she published her book and landed a feature story for “Women’s World Daily.”

Steve Daar, Author of “Profit Hacking”

Steve wanted to write a book to build credibility and gain clients. So he used his book to make clients come to him. He’s not only made income from royalties, his book has generated thousands of dollars in new clients and is able to charge 3x as much.

Steve Windsor  – Author of “Jump” and “Fury”

Steve knew he had a novel inside him, but like so many others didn’t have the discipline to stay on track. Now he has written and published two books in his 10-book series – both becoming bestsellers.


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